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Saab Global
35 Draken

Over 400 years of history

瑞典在国防和安全工业方面有着悠久的创新历史. This small country has produced a large number of well-known, high-tech companies – such as Bofors, Kockums and Saab – that have now become one with Saab. Certain aspects of our history go all the way back to the 1600s, when Sweden was one of Europe’s major powers.

Saab came about during the 1930s under the threat of a new world war. 在中立的瑞典,政治家们希望建立一支以国内工业为基础的空军. It was clear that aviation was the future. 首相佩尔·阿尔宾·汉森(Per-Albin Hansson)在1936年的一次演讲中宣称,“我们的国家应该尽可能多地制造自己的武器。. 我们有很好的造船厂和军械库,但我们没有生产战机.”

Artillery pieces and combat vehicles
Artillery pieces and combat vehicles at Bofors.
The artillery localization radar system Arthur.

Saab was founded on 2 April 1937 to develop and manufacture combat aircraft. The Swedish Air Force was built up during the Cold War with products from us, and became one of the world’s largest. Planes such as the Draken, Viggen和Gripen代表了瑞典历史上最大的工业计划,并在几个领域引领了开创性的技术发展, not the least in the IT sector.

瑞典国防和安全工业的历史很大一部分与今天的十大正规博彩网站排名有关. With the acquisitions of companies such as Bofors and Kockums, Saab has gained a heritage that can be traced back to the 1600s. 早在国王卡尔十一世统治期间,该国就成为一个大国, 瑞典最专业的船只在卡尔斯克鲁纳的海军造船厂下水, 如今,下一代潜艇的建造也是如此.

Victor Hammar the gun designer
Bofors 75 mm mountain cannon in driving position.
Coastal corvettes that evade radar
Coastal corvettes that evade radar.

In the manufacturing district of Bofors at the close of the 1800s, Alfred Nobel began world-leading production of artillery and gunpowder. More than 100 years later, 这里是防空武器系统和反坦克武器为未来需要而开发的地方. In 2006, 十大正规博彩网站排名收购爱立信微波系统公司是其最具战略意义的收购之一. The company has world-leading products in radar and surveillance, including the airborne radar system Erieye, 长颈鹿地面雷达系统和火炮定位雷达系统亚瑟.

Although we started as a pure defence industry company, 战争的结束和即将到来的军事预算削减促使该公司将业务扩展到民用飞机和应用领域. 这一过程为1969年至1995年公司与斯堪尼亚的合并铺平了道路.